Dr. Ronald Sevigny

 Dr. Ronald Sevigny

Dr. Sevigny treats patients in Arcadia

Dr. Ronald Sevigny is a Board Certified Optometric Physician specializing in primary medical eye care. His services include: general eye care, evaluation of cataracts, and treatment of glaucoma and other eye diseases. His area of special interest is glaucoma. Dr. R. Sevigny did his undergraduate training at Nasson College in Springvale, Maine. He has a Bachelors of Science degree Cum Laude. He received his Doctorate in Optometry from the Massachusetts College of Optometry in Boston, Massachusetts.

Dr. R. Sevigny served in the U.S. Air Force. He achieved the rank of Captain and was the Chief of the Eye Clinic at USAF Hospital at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota in 1973.

He is a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry.